Channelled Message for the Generic Guidance for the Month of June 2021 by The Spiritual Princess Jayapalashri Anil Founder Samskara Healing - FilmyNaka: Bollywood News, Entertainment news, Movies, Gossip and Celebrity News


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Friday, June 4, 2021

Channelled Message for the Generic Guidance for the Month of June 2021 by The Spiritual Princess Jayapalashri Anil Founder Samskara Healing


Channelled Message for the Generic Guidance for the Month of June 2021 by The Spiritual Princess Jayapalashri Anil Founder Samskara Healing 

I usually avoid starting the channeled message with a negative statement. This time I have the cards that are laid out in a way that I have to start with a do not statement at the very beginning. Avoid being a self critic and getting into self-doubt. Talking in a very negative way about yourself and the opportunities coming your way. This is leading you to procrastinate and to have resistance towards the opportunities. Try to go with the flow, create your space where it means to be with the flow. You rather focus on the point of being happy and joyful with what you have at the current moment. See the bliss and the joy of spending time with loved ones. Finances can always be a worry and questions of insecurities can always set in but look at the bigger picture and look at the stability that you have at the moment or how you can make your life more stable be it in personal or work life or both put together. This month brings many opportunities and the opening of new windows and doors. It's all about taking the right decision as to what suits you the best. By doing this it would keep you happy and safe with your decision. Focus on the point where things can happen quickly and manifest into your life. It’s understandable that you have waited for years to have the right things to happen in your life. Now this is turning into days but things can happen when you have the right intent in place.

The monthly guidance as per the birth numbers ( 1-9 or totally to this ) 

1 - You need to focus on being stable and secure throughout the month. It is understandable that you have put in a lot of effort into your work no matter what it is and now is the time to wait for the benefits of the same. At times it may take years but you need to be patient to reap the benefits.When you get to be patient and surrender things can happen pretty quickly. You also need to look at focusing on your skills, your intellect pertaining to your career and put in a lot of hard work. Now it’s the time about making the right choices with love in your heart. If you are looking for a partner, be attentive this month. Put your plans into a strategy and also look at strengthening your willpower. Allow yourself to be more assertive and disciplined with your life. You have ideas, don’t let your fears and lack of confidence or financial issues stop you. 

In case you have instability and difficulties it’s a good time to pray to the Goddess Lakshmi.

Lucky number - 4, 6 and 9

Lucky colour - Red and Blue 

Affirmation - I am open to receiving the right opportunities in my life. 

2 -  You have the right guidance coming to you to look towards the same for stability and hope. Is it that you’re lacking peace and comfort? It’s time to focus on what are your limiting beliefs that are stopping the same to you. This month is all about saying I wish I can have this and bringing that into your space. Focus on clearing your limitations and limited beliefs to allow the manifestations to flow in. Though things will not happen immediately but it will happen with divine timing. Look at self nurturing and pampering. Be a go-getter and do not let a wall of exhaustion bring you down. Look on achieving what you truly want by balancing your work life and personal life and juggling between the two. See where you are resisting and not able to work as a team or collaborate. It is time to work on bringing the energy to work as a team or in a union to make things successful, this would bring joy and happiness onto your doorstep. Focus on your ideas, the finances for throwing naturally and avoid the emotions to go haywire. This would bring the required stability, power and organizational skills which would help you to be safe with loads of confidence. 

If you’re facing too many blocks it’s the time to invoke the grace and energies of Lord Ganesh to remove these obstacles for you.  

Lucky Number :- 8, 12 and 16

Lucky Colour - Green and Yellow 

Affirmation - My limited beliefs are powerless over me. 

3 - Avoid carrying too much stress and anxiety as this would lead to you having sleepless nights and getting worried over the small things of life. It could lead to having a life as a nightmare but things are not happening the right way. Focus on releasing your stress and anxiety on priority. They can be challenges and difficulties that could come your way which could lead to internal conflicts and disagreements with others. But now is not the time for you to get into these conflicts or disagreements as it would aggravate your stress and anxiety levels. You need to focus and connect with the guiding energy and light which can take you forward through this tough season of your life. Through the practice of meditation try to get the inner wisdom through the stillness and calmness that can settle in you. The guiding light will become your anchor of strength and courage bringing in stability and the required wisdom to move forward. Though you have a lot of ideas you still are procrastinating and worried about what others are going to think about it, take time to understand the importance and put forth the ideas into action. Focus on your health and work on releasing stress. You need to look at your inner strength and I love your self to evolve into a better human being. Release the stress, build compassion which would help you to become powerful to take responsibilities as you move forward. 

In case you’re facing too much stress please chant So-Hum. 

Lucky Numbers - 5,9 and 3

Lucky Colours - Blue and Grey

Affirmation - A healthy mind leads to having a healthy body. 

4 - There can be a strong presence of the opposite gender be at male/ female. If you’re looking at making a brand out of your business this month is a good month to look at it and at the same time if you have blocks this is a month to see how to resolve these blocks. It’s a month about generating leads and moving forward. This can only happen when you put a death to the way of thinking and change your beliefs patterns to help you move forward. As these patterns could be the reasons for one to slow down on your path. There are umpteen ways to manifest what you want onto your doorstep. All you need to do is have the right kind of intent, trust and belief to move forward when you have that the mysteries and illusions of life will get dissolved as you claim victory. This will lead to your dream opportunities to manifest and you could choose what is rightfully needed by you. In case you have certain kinds of blocks manifesting where you are unable to pick the right decision or manifest the rightful leads. It’s good to reevaluate your life and thoughts and bring in happiness with what you have. Emotions and home front should not be the reason for you to slow down. 

Look at the invoking the energies of Lord Hanuman and chanting Om Hum Hanumathye Namaha 

Lucky Numbers - 1, 7 and 10

Lucky Colour - Rust and Burgundy 

Affirmation - I am open to receiving the flow of abundance into my life. 

5 - Now is not the time to cry over spilt milk or things that’s happened. The past is something which cannot be changed. What one can do is learn from the mistakes of the past and see how to improvise in the present. This would help you to come out victorious and try anything that you wish to do and bring the required results on your doorstep. When you stop crying over spilt milk you will be able to see the opportunities which are out there and pick the rightful one and move forward. This can also happen after you change your belief pattern and bring in change to your thoughts. Emotions at times can clog one's thinking and slow down or make one take irrational or wrong decisions. Let your ideas manifest into actions and see how to take it forward without any issues or fear. This month is a good time to germinate new ideas, bring in the new beginnings and allow the future to unfold as per guidance coming your way. You need to be focused on the one rule of Karma: What you sow is what you shall reap. 

In case you're stuck and unable to get over the past invoking the grace of Lord Shiva please chant Om Namaha Shivaya. 

Lucky Number - 5, 6 and 7

Lucky Colour - Saffron, Green and Blue 

Affirmation- I am ready to let go of the old to embrace the new. 

6 - This month focus on doing things that you truly desire and have wanted and dreamt of. Do things from your heart, this month is all about sharing and caring. When we look at understanding everyone around us in our environment in our space it would help us understand ourselves better. This would teach us ways to go with the flow and not resist the currents of life as these currents can become karmic currents which bring a lot of twists and turns into a space. Look at working on your finances and bringing stability without being very stubborn and difficult with yourself. You are to work again with being loving to yourself as you work your finances and your work and family life. Instead of cribbing and nagging, look at the stability and the happiness you have currently. There is always a ray of light into every darkness that one is surrounded with. If you are unable to find a way and time for you to cleanse and clear your space to bring in the stability and happiness into your space. It’s the time to clear and cleanse, letting go of what’s not needed. Though at times it may take longer than usual for things to happen, nevertheless it will surely happen at the right time. Do not get stuck in your words and talks, be mindful as you move forward. 

If things are not going as per what you wish it’s time to surrender this to the divine by chanting - Kunjita Padam Saranam 

Lucky Numbers :- 6 and 10

Lucky Colour - White and Yellow 

Affirmation - The more abundance I share the more that comes back to me. 

7 - A truly powerful and meaningful read for the numbers of seven. It is time to connect to the Divine feminine energy. At times it’s understandable that you may feel a bit depressed and lonely in life but look at working on grounding yourself and not getting carried away. Stay connected to your family and to their thoughts also as it is much needed. At the same time do not smother your family members with your love. Try to work on releasing your moodiness or depression by doing some kind of mindful meditation. This would help you to get the required guidance through the inner calmness and stillness that you would get. This could become your guiding light to move forward with confidence and stability to manifest what you truly need into your space and your life. Things can happen quickly and manifest though that could be challenges and blocks created by others for you. Look at putting your ideas into action and allowing things to manifest without getting caught in your own self-pity. 

It's a good thing to invoke the Goddess Tara as Mother Kwan Yin and chant Om Mani Padme Hum. Through this you could help in building your self-confidence and stability and also bring in the required wisdom and energy to move forward with organizational skills be it in personal or work life. 

Lucky Numbers- 5, 8 and 9 

Lucky Colour - Turquoise, Orange and Yellow 

Affirmation - Every time I am happy I have the rightful abundance flowing to me easily. 

8 - Look at being grounded and methodical with your work, demanding perfection with everything that you do. This would help you to move forward with success and growth. It is a good time to take a break and think what’s the rightful direction for you to move forward in. It is understandable that you want to be a go-getter and move forward. But to avoid hitting the wall of exhaustion, one way to do this is to take breaks and to be mindful with your thoughts and acts. Be a person true to your word and precise with what you truly want. This month is all about being logical and rational with your thoughts and your ideas and the way you bring them forward. It would help you to bring in the required plans and manifestation into play. 

You may also have a presence of two individuals; it could be a man and a woman who play a vital role in your life bringing in the required decisions and changes for you. At times it could also be that they could be the ones creating the blocks or trying to put a stop to your work. You need to look at the same and see if the two people who are playing a vital role are for you or against you and work accordingly on it. This month has a lot of action for you and work put your ideas onto paper and allow it to be manifested. Avoid getting stuck due to homefront or your finances. Through the mistakes of the past, take the lessons as wisdom and move forward forgiving and being content with what you have. 

Incase you have too many issues it last good to do the Navagraha Shanti Havan 

Lucky Numbers - 9 and multiples of 9

Lucky Colour - Pink and Lavender

Affirmation - I choose to be grounded and in control of my life. 

9 - Holding onto the past can only bring you into having fear which can blind you and not let you move forward with your decisions of life. It is always good to release the past as you move forward as these can become blocks if not released. The world is out there. It is all about exploring and living your life to the fullest. Nevertheless even if you have to start a life as a brand new life it is worth it and this month brings all your dreams and hopes to come true. Look at starting all over again bringing the required evolution into your life as you move forward with your work. This would teach you ways but not to get caught in the illusions but to move forward knowing and accepting them as part of you. Be a go-getter and do what you truly desire to do without being distracted or not paying attention to what’s being told to you. In case you are being distracted it could exert you and distract you from your path. Focus on starting and moving forward as you release things that do not need it. Put your ideas into action as you have plenty in your mind and then the world is your playground to allow it to be manifested for you. The schools of mystery bring a duality of choices which could at times bring instability to you. Be careful to reflect and work on putting things together. 

It’s good to invoke the grace of Goddess Durga and do a puja for her to get her blessings. 

Lucky Numbers- 3 and 8 

Lucky Colours - Gold, Yellow and Green

Affirmations- I am open to the abundance that’s coming my way. 

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