Dr punit bhardwaj proves to be a lucky mascot for upcoming Bollywood talent - FilmyNaka: Bollywood News, Entertainment news, Movies, Gossip and Celebrity News


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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Dr punit bhardwaj proves to be a lucky mascot for upcoming Bollywood talent

 Dr.  punit bhardwaj proves to be a lucky mascot for upcoming Bollywood talent

Dr. Punit Bhardwaj

Dr. Punit Bhardwaj is a skilled dowser , an incredible cosmic scientist , an eminent astrologer , a benevolent author , a fascinating writer and a consultant. Dr. Bhardwaj bridges the gap between Science and Spirituality and he describes how remedies work by healing methods.

punit bhardwaj

He describes how remedies work by healing methods

Punitji is Yantric Healer with the power of esoteric knowledge of spiritual wisdom and divine blessing.his mission is to help people like you find, and walk, a spiritual path that will bring comfort, hope, clarity, strength, and happiness. Here we produce few of his Words of Wisdom.Whether peoples exploring your faith or other spiritual traditions, we provide you inspiring devotional tools, access to the best spiritual methods for healing and clergy in the world, thought-provoking commentary, and a supportive community.which naturally arise in our mind when we think about healing.Generously healing is not an easy process some someone can practice in a period it has taken years to master even one art of healing. It solely depends upon the person who and how he manifests this process and by using what kind of therapy. Nowadays, most popular are Gem therapy, Reiki, Yoga, Pranic healing, Aura healing, Rudraksha therapy, Faith healing, Yantric healing and so on similar methods, but when the word healing comes then it means complete body-mind sole-bliss and cure which cannot be precisely done by common therapies used by the mass. A long Sadhana is necessary for the occultist who provides such healing genuinely. Gems heal through cosmic rays captured attracted by them of that planet which enters in the body of that person wearing a particular gem or we get Rudraksha contains an electromagnetic field which provides vibration heal. Sometimes when you wear a particular gem or rudraksha sometimes it harms you because the cosmic rays of that planet which is malefic in your Dasha or kundalini or transit could Transfer transmitted negative vibrations in your body in same this happens with rudraksha.

The yogis or we can say mantradrashta sages (rishis) when in deep spiritual concentration or a state of mental bliss get connected with the super divine powers situated in the higher dimensions and their soul filled with joy then they begin to chant holy mantras provided by the almighty during dhyan after practicing the mantras for years ages they were able to saw identify some kind of geometrical figure a pattern of waves arising in ethers in a viscous form representing the body of the worshipping diety. They called this particular pattern as yantra and started meditating that yantras are drawn by them on bhogpatra (palm leaf), Copper-Gold Silver plates in 2-3 dimensions. Metals are good conductors so Yantras are popularly available in only gold, silver, and copper and not on bhojpatra (palm leaf), Copper-Gold, Silver plates in 2-3 dimensions. Metal is a good conductor so yantras are popularly available in only gold silver and copper and not on bhogpatra or any paper. The combination of mantra and yantra forms a vast and wide cult of tantra a system organize to handle mantric and yantric energies and interacting good/bad energies. The soul at higher spiritual potential can transmit the energy to the soul at the lower potential the main principle in the Transformational Kinesiology System or as in distant healing therapies. No mantra is working or is effective when practiced by/ chant by an ordinary person because all the mantras have been sealed (blocked) by Shiva the creator of tantra and are affected by curses. Whenever somebody reads a mantra from a book or any medium and chants that mantra instead of giving him good results he experiences bad results and opposition by negative energies.

It takes years to open a single mantra and removal of curses imposed on it. The person or spiritual master ( Guru ) who knows this art can help the disciple by providing a particular mantra with all functional keys and can make aware that person with good/bad results of the mantra, for example, Gayatri mantra has been affected by 5 curses (shraps) from Brahma, Narmada, Vashishta, Vishwamitra, and Shukra. So first the process of removals of curses is necessary to gain power through any mantra or maha-mantra. The ancient Brahma Vidya is strictly transmitted by oral tradition and terminology considering Vedic rituals which depend upon the height of spirituality of that soul. Never think that our body carries the spiritual healing energy it is our soul that transforms and transmits all forms of divine powers considering the body as a medium. Yantric healing method developed by Dr. Punit is the fastest and easy method of providing instant healing in which particular yantra is made accordingly after reviewing the remedial cause of that particular problem of an individual. The individual or a family is made ready and prepared to handle and regenerate with the charging energy of the yantra and precautions to be seen during the sadhana. There are two main paths of sadhana in tantra one is Vamachar and the other is Dakshinmarg both the process finally leads to enlightenment of the soul. A true tantric practitioner always selects Dakshin Marg tantra the right-hand path whereas short cut seeker selects left-hand path, i.e. black magic, voodoo, witchcraft, etc.

Healing therapies if used properly under guidance provides the best results. No therapy can change the future of an individual but gives him positive vibrations and energy which he can use whenever needed.

Website : www.punitbhardwaj.com


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